Biodiversity Conservation and Animal Rights: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives
Various Speakers
Date: 21 March 2012Time: 10:00 AMFinishes: 22 March 2012Time: 5:00 PM
Venue: Brunei GalleryRoom: Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Type of Event: SymposiumThe call for action countering the accelerating speed of human destruction of the natural conditions of humanity's own existence has become a common place. Equally familiar is the shrugging of shoulders that nothing can be done about it because destructive habits are rooted not only in industrially magnified greed but in culture if not in human biology and hence are difficult to change.
Yet, human feelings and attitudes towards animals and other forms of non-human life vary greatly across cultures and time and are changeable. The continuing cultural influence of religious and philosophical reflection on human behaviour cannot be underestimated, and is here, at the doctrinal roots of widespread habits and customs, that a fruitful debate on conditions and prospects for attitudinal change may be engendered.
At this time of rapid globalisation, worldwide environmental destruction and palpable existential uncertainty, few universally oriented deliberations on practical ethics across religious and cultural boundaries are on record. To the contrary, the lamented process of universal self-destruction is defended in the name of a combination of pragmatic necessity and entrenched value orientations and habits.
This symposium provides a forum for discussion and dialogue between distinguished scholars, activists, ethical and philosophical thinkers reflecting on the potential of existing cultural, religious and philosophical resources contributing to new trans-cultural orientations towards the preservation of human and non-human forms of life.
The meeting is held at the Brunei Gallery Auditorium at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, during the first days of Spring 2012, and will be open to and accessible by the general public. It is organised by the Centre of Jaina Studies, Department of the Study of Religions, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H OXG.
Information on the symposium can be found on the following website which will be regularly updated:
Provisional ProgrammeOrganiser: Dr Peter Flügel
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