Τρίτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2011

The 2012 ISE Intensive on Revolutionary Democratic Social Change

Drawing immense inspiration from the Occupy Movement, this year’s ISE Intensive will focus on providing tools to deepen our analysis, historical knowledge, and strategic visions for revolutionary democratic social change.  The 8-day intensive will offer seminars on:
  • Alternatives to Capitalism;
  • Direct Democracy;
  • Philosophy and Politics of Social Ecology;
  • Food and Climate Justice;
  • Designing Democratic Organizations,
  • Aligning with Frontline Communities,
  • Liberating Land for Community Control; and
  • Revolutionary Arts, Media and Culture
Please join us!

What Is the ISE?

For more than thirty years, the Institute for Social Ecology has been offering educational programs on radical social and ecological transformation. The ISE views the penetration of systems of domination and homogenization of culture as impediments to human freedom and as the root causes of the ecological crisis.  It is the ISE’s core belief that humans have the potential to foster vibrant, self-governing communities free from hierarchy, social inequity, and ecological degradation.
*Note to Second Year Students: We invite you to organize additional independent studies during the Intensive.
Dates: January 7 – 15, 2012
Classes will be held from 9AM to 6PM Daily
Location: The Intensive will be held at the Brecht Forum http://brechtforum.org/about
Tuition Cost: $200 (scholarship application available upon request)
